How to Track the Exact Location of Anyone?

Do you want to know how to track someone's location?

  •  So ,  fist we will go to our kali machine.
  • open the terminnal first,
  • Along with that, we have to open our browser.
  • so let's  start. First we have to install a tool named "Seeker".
       link :-
  Installation  Steps:-

  1.      Next step is  install Ngrok in kali Linux   

       link :- 

  • There is a folder named "seeker", We will go inside it.
  • when  we write "Ls" we get some files here but,

  • we don't know how to install this tool and how to used it .

  1. Open the terminnal first,
  2. We will go inside that folder for install
    "apt install python3 python3-pip php"

how to use

  • I am just pasting the commands here:-


  • You can see that tool is running

  • So, We will Write "0" and press "Enter

  • and here it has started it work very fast
  • It has told us that it has created a website on port number "8080"
  • Now, we have to take it to public mode
  • so that any person can access this website 
  • how can we do that?
   All of you must be remembering that we have installed a tool "ngrok"

  • Now open your Ngrok folder Than 
  • We will set it's protocol as "http" to run it

  • we pressed "Enter"

  • It has give us a domain or URL.
  • As soon as any person comes to this domain, it will be redirect to the port number 8080 of our local host
  • where our website is running 
  • which is 
  • Made by seeker

  • Now, we just have to copy this URL 
  • And we have to share this to anyone 

  • like click on this link 

  • So, here look at the information that we have got in seeker.
  • information  like:- device information, location, Ip  Etc......

  • like click on this link 
  • And in the browser, it will show me the exact location 

  • So, in this way , we can see anyone's exact and current location 



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